Fresh, seasonal, Fruits are the mainstay of the meals produced from the Living Kitchen. Sweet fruits supply the simple carbohydrate fuel, broad spectrum of vitamins, pure water, and soluble fibre in the precise form and quantitative range that the human body requires.
Communitarians following the first principle and practice of communitarian union ‘eat from the living trees’, consume 80% of their daily nutritional needs from pure unadulterated Fruit. The balance comes from soft leafy greens and tender juicy vegetables, along with non-sweet fruits such as cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini and green beans which supply a range of essential minerals.
Our senses confirm that in its pure unadulterated form, fruit, sweet or sour, is our natural diet. For humans, fruits attract the eye, tantalize our sense of smell, and taste divine in their raw, natural, ripe state.
Grapes, peaches, plums, nectarines, watermelon, cantaloupe, bananas, apples, oranges, lemons and limes, mangos, papayas, figs, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, avocadoes, passionfruit, guava, soursop, jackfruit and durian… the list is endless… every piece uniquely beautiful. Holding the fruit to our noses, we smell its sweet and distinctive fragrance – immediately our mouths water.

Mono Fruit Meals
Mono meals are an effective way to re-train the brain to form a healthier relationship with food. When we eat only one food at a time, our sensory organs are not overloaded with a complex mix of tastes, textures, and smells. As a result, those adopting the living foods diet and lifestyle are better able to determine when we are still hungry, and when we are completely satiated, which can be a helpful tool for overcoming eating disorders as well as the destructive habit of emotional eating.
Transitioning to seasonal mono-meals will take time, although it is easy to get started by enjoying mono-meals of fruit for both breakfast and lunch. Mono-meals consisting of one type of fruit only, requires no recipes, no specialized equipment, eliminates decision fatigue and is the most economical way of eating that requires less energy to digest and can be applied for extended periods of time as a detox or cleanse.

Fruit Smoothies
Blending fruits such as bananas, berries and mangoes is considered a transitional phase of adapting to a diet of living whole foods. Without exception, all types of fruit are best eaten in their natural state – intact and complete. Simply peel and enjoy.
However sometimes when there is an abundance of ripe bananas on hand, making smoothies will be the best way to utilize the quantities available. In this case, simply add water to the peeled bananas and blend.
Blenders are also handy tools to turn fruits such as mangoes, tomatoes and nuts such as cashews and macadamias into dressings for salads. Still, most living nutrition meals are prepared without the use of mechanical equipment.

Living Food Combining
The best way to practice proper food combining is to eat only fruit before noon, while reserving heavier living foods such as pumpkin and squash dishes, mixed salads and nuts and seeds in the form of sun-dried breads and crackers for the noon and evening meals.
Melons digest faster than any other foods, therefore these types of fruits are best eaten on their own. As a general rule, sour or acidic fruits such as citrus, kiwifruit and strawberries can be combined with protein fats such as avocado, coconut and sprouted nuts and seeds.
Acid fruits and sub-acid fruits such as apples, grapes and pears can be combined with nut cheeses and vegetable fruits, including avocados, cucumbers, tomatoes and bell peppers.