valuing the contribution of
Minerals & Metals
to quality of life & liberty

bones of the Earth
Humans, land and marine animals, along with insects, all have within their bodies bones that supply the framework for flesh and associated organs, blood and the nerve system. Likewise, Earth; our only home, has stones which support the crust and mantle as well as the outer and inner core.
Minerals are solid, naturally occurring inorganic substances found in the Earth’s crust which have a unique chemical composition and crystal structure. In contrast, metals are elementary substances which are crystalline when solid and naturally occur within mineral ores.
In essence, the Earth’s bones are rocks containing metals encased in minerals, including; however not limited to, bromine, calcium, chlorine, chromium, copper, fluorine, gallium, lithium, magnesium, molybdenum, nickel, potassium, sodium, sulphur, tin and zinc. Some metals such as gold, silver and copper can be found in pure form as nuggets or flakes. However, this is not at all common.
Minerals and metals have become such a part of modern living that it is near impossible to imagine our lives without access to stainless steel cutlery and cookware, copper electrical wiring and plumbing pipes, along with all types of metal building components and production equipment, as well as, steel earth-moving machinery that make our roads and install steel bridges and power poles.
responsible stewardship of the earth's resources
Mining precious metals and minerals from the Earth’s surface and underground to generate heat, forge tools, fashion crowns and trinkets as well as fertilize fields, dates back to before recorded history. Utilizing the properties of metals and minerals for these same purposes and more, continues unabated in the technological age to create all kinds of gadgets, including cars, trains and planes, smart phones and computers, along with satellites that supply telecommunications, weather reports and navigation.
conservation of finite resources
For thousands of years across the globe, people have mined all kinds of metals including iron, gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc, seemingly without a thought for their conservation.
Harnessing the power of collective ethical stewardship of the earth’s resources, is a key communitarian principle and practice that influences the long-term social, economic and ecological stability and security of local and regional areas where collaborative conservation and recycling initiates are installed. Furthermore, through video and in-person gifted training, demonstrations of collective responsible management of finite-resources can inspire and support those further afield to replicate practices such as conserving, restoring, recycling and repurposing metals.
It is now known that the geological processes involved in the formation of mineral deposits take millions of years to transpire, and the rates of replenishment extremely small in comparison to the present rates of extraction and consumption. Therefore, our everyday habits of non-renewable and finite resource consumption, must change.
Rich mineral deposits are a country’s extremely valuable but short-lived possession. Once it’s gone, its gone, never to be replaced for millions of years. Scientists estimate that only 1% percent of the earth’s crust constitutes workable mineral deposits, which is why a concerted effort must to be made by current generations to use the Earth’s mineral resources in a planned and sustainable manner.
It is for these reasons that from the fifth year of association and beyond, communitarians adapt their consumption and contributions to conservation of non-renewal minerals and metals to align with the principle and practice of ‘One Clock’ which involves living simply so others, including future generations, can simply live.
Preserving minerals & metals by sharing all with all
Communal living provides the ultimate setting conducive to practicing ecological sustainability within both household and ‘Right Livelihood’ environments. The major component of conservation practices requires communitarians to prioritize the use of renewable resources to meet their energy needs including transportation to ensure future generations are able to meet their needs in these areas also.
Sustainable household practices include conservation of non-renewal resources through ‘common purse’ acquisition and communal assess to:
- solar and wind renewal energy generating systems
- the highest energy-rated household appliances including: refrigerators, washing machines, food processing equipment, blenders and solar-food dryers
- cooking and water heating via biogas generation from communal composting of kitchen waste and human-manure toilet facilities
- shared electric bikes & vehicles
Right Livelihood provisioning practices utilize all of the above in establishing and maintaining a range of ‘common wealth’ ECOLABS while also employing ‘common purse’ investment in energy-efficient production equipment to ensure ecologically-protective, production processes.
Adopting and maintaining sustainable lifestyles which enable communitarians to successfully integrate into the environmentally-conservative practice of co-living, requires a willingness and eagerness to shed old habits that are both selfish and wasteful. In the fifth year of association and beyond, while communitarians are advancing toward entering into sharing all with all through communal union, seasonally, they will adopt the habit of making a detailed honest audit of their daily energy-use. The aim of this assessment is to bring to light areas of wasteful indulgence that leads to hardship in the short-term and long-term for ourselves and others, as well as, endangerment of other sentient beings combined with destruction of Earth – our only home.
Rather than setting up or continuing to maintain single-households, in the sixth -year of association and beyond, communitarians move into collaborative living which features combining to afford the highest quality energy-efficient household and production equipment that can be repaired, recycled and repurposed rather than trashed after only a short period of use.
installing & utilizing renewal energy
Through comprehensive study and adoption of the principles and practices of Right Livelihood, communitarians understand the critical role to be played, both on an individual level and as contributors to networks of collaborative provisioning projects established to demonstrate socially as well as ecologically-sustainable, organised production and distribution systems.
As stewards of the Earth, communitarians are steadfast in their commitment to conserving finite mineral and metal resources by learning to competently install, maintain and utilize renewable energy including solar and wind power as well as bio-gas generators.
recycling, repairing & repurposing
Through involvement in Eco-lab enterprises which include recycling, repurposing and repair, communitarians utilize many recycled metal components within commissioned sustainable building and infrastructure projects.
Mid-morning observance
The mid-morning observance comprises a multi-layered contemplation designed to set the stage for progressive application of all seven core communitarian union principles and practices. It is for this reason that before committing time, talent and energy to practical projects, communitarians adopt the habit of pausing to reflect upon their motives, aims and intended outcomes.
Accordingly, the main objective of this session of reflection is to utilize contemplation of the characteristics of metal to help communitarians decide how best to spend their day, who they will help along the way, and how much progress will actually be made toward bringing the projects they are involved in, to fruition.
Fulfilling our true potential
Communitarians recognise the importance and responsibility to live in harmony with local and regional as well as broader global-scale social, economic and ecological environments. To achieve this aim, those living in union value structure, routine and boundaries equalized by willingness to allow for flexibilities within our schedules and to soften personal limits to connect with others; to be social and spontaneous as well as take time out for self-development and to pursue individual creative projects.
In the second year of association and beyond, communitarians design and develop a daily routine that purposefully leads toward fulfilling their true potential. Through practicing the seven daily observances, communitarians develop an intimate connection with the earth and cosmic elements which directly support the life and liberty of people and animals as well as the continuance of the planet.
By pausing mid-morning to contemplate the important contribution minerals and metals make to our lives, communitarians progressively install habits and routines that lead to achieving personal and social progression toward sustaining health and vitality, which enables them to contribute to social and ecological projects that bring to fruition enduring personal and collaborative legacies.
Communitarians committed to contributing to the establishment and progress of local, regional and global ‘common wealth’ provisioning which include ecological restoration and extension missions, adopt the habit of preparing ‘Next Tasks’ lists the night before. Deciding and allocating time and resources to ‘Next Tasks’ at the end of the day, ensures a head start to the day that lies ahead helping to make each day count toward both personal and social progression. Preparing a ‘Next Tasks’ list in the evening before bed, helps communitarians know exactly where to direct their time as well as mental and physical energies the following morning.
When formulating the daily ‘Next Task’ lists, it is important to keep in mind that it should consist of only 3 priority tasks in conjunction with no-more than 6-7 minor tasks. Likewise, the key to achieving our goals centres on continuously adjusting our aims to remain on the path opening before us as we progress upon it. Through daily observance of conscious creation which includes sessions of visualizing desired outcomes, communitarians can be assured of moving beyond current limitations as well as overcoming seemingly, immovable obstacles.
By conscious planning to complete tasks associated with ‘Right Livelihood’ projects, communitarians progressively build strength and resilience into their daily routines. However daily routines will naturally change and need to be adapted to accommodate advancing skill levels as well as better-honed habits which allow us to complete tasks quicker and easier as our competence with tasks increase with patient and persistent practice.
Forging unity through emulating the characteristics of metal
For those living in union, or intending to move into communal union, contemplating of the attributes of metal, also stimulates recognition of the responsibility to daily refine social interactions to ensure rock-solid solidarity through harmonious relations.
Through consciously choosing an open-hearted approach to communal living and loving by not allowing ‘the head’ to completely rule ‘the heart’ and by forgiving others for their faults and failings as we expect the same in return, ‘liberated loving’ becomes the stabilizing and unifying principle and practice of union.
Aligning with the Season of Autumn's Attributes
In the second year of association Communitarians prepare to adopt the primary vocational role of Gardeners – restorers of the Earth. It is for this reason that in conjunction with daily contemplation of the earthly and cosmic elements which make life on Earth possible, communitarians also take time throughout the day to reflect upon the gifts freely bestowed by the continuous cycles of seasons.
From ancient times, agrarian cultures such as the Celts have associated the element of metal with the Autumn season – a time of abundance, change and balance. Abundance is bestowed by the end of the summer harvests. Change come by way of changing temperatures, along with the changing colours of the leaves of deciduous trees as they fall to the ground providing important nutrients to the roots of the trees to be stored for the coming Winter season. Balance is brought by shorter days and longer nights – providing welcome relief from summer heat and endless days.
For communitarians attuned to seasonal cycles, Autumn becomes a time to celebrate the end-of-summer harvest. While laying down stores for the coming winter season, through preserving and solar-drying, many will use this time of repetitive physical tasks to reflect upon the crops, projects and ideas that did or did not come to fruition.
Autumn is also a time to supply the soil with a liberal amounts of rock dust to supply the necessary minerals and mulch to fruiting trees and perennial plants to shelter them from the cold of the approaching winter season. The Autumn season is also a time to plant berries, cabbage, cauliflower, shallots and herbs while give thanks for the sunlight and heat bestowed by previous summer as well as acknowledging and preparing for the shift toward shorter days and longer nights.
Healing Power of Minerals
Through an extensive study and practice of living nutrition, communitarians learn to appreciate the contribution made by mineral-rich foods to achieving and maintain optimum health and energy levels as well as longevity. It is for these reasons that communitarians pause before meals to give thanks for food available to them.
Nutritional minerals are a subset of minerals that naturally occur or are added to soil to be taken up by edible plants and fruiting trees to supply our bodies with adequate nutrition to maintain the development and function of our bones, muscles, heart, and brain. The two classifications of dietary minerals include macro-minerals and trace minerals; all of which are critical components required to supply the body with enzymes able to regulate hormones that strengthen cells, fight against harmful viruses, and boost the immune system.
A number of minerals are essential to maintaining human and animal health. These include; however not limited to – calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, sulphur, cobalt, copper, fluoride, manganese, and selenium.
No Deficiency in the Sea
It has long been recognised that seaweeds and sea vegetables offer the broadest range of minerals of any food containing virtually all the minerals in the correct balance that is easily assimilated and utilized by the human body.
Iodine is one such mineral found in seaweeds and sea vegetables that is required by the thyroid to ensure proper functioning of metabolism. Communitarians who maintain a diet of living nutrition obtain their iodine needs from edible seaweeds; particularly brown seaweeds which contain higher amounts of iodine than other varieties such as green seaweeds.
Seaweeds such as Dulse, Nori and Wakame also contribute substantial amounts of energising iron, immunity-boosting Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, B2 & B6, Vitamin A, Manganese and Copper as well as protein, pantothenic acid, potassium, zinc, niacin, phosphorus together with fibre to the diet.
Salt of the Earth
Salt is a naturally occurring mineral found in the sea and on land that is critical to maintaining nerve and muscle function, while also required in proportionate amounts to aid the regulation of fluids in the body as well as control blood pressure and volume.
However, it is far from a healthful habit to consume salt in its crystalised form by adding it directly to food or drink. Instead, it is far-safer to consume mineral-rich living foods that naturally contain forms and proportions of sodium and chloride, in pure unadulterated forms that are able to be fully assimilated and utilized by the body.
As an example, Living Foods such as celery, pull available minerals from the soil up through their root systems to the stalks. When harvested and prepared as part of daily salads, the minerals drawn up from healthy mineral-rich soils are made available to the humans and animals that ingest them as part of their diets.
Obtaining the body’s requirements for sodium and chloride through living foods – pure foods, including sea-vegetables such as Dulse, Wakame and Irish Moss, negates the risk of developing adverse health conditions caused by the ingestion of excess salt.