Transitioning To LIVING SIMPLY
preparing for deep union sustainable living & loving

In today’s world of hyper-consumerism and individualism, transitioning to a simpler way of life, may at first, seem daunting. However through on-going participation in the Gestalt Group Development Gatherings and access to dedicated mentors, the transition to LIVING SIMPLY becomes a seamless and enriching experience.
The benefits of LIVING SIMPLY that include greater financial freedom, deeper and more resilient, supportive and satisfying relationships, more time for rest and recreation as well as contribution to socio-ecological repair and extension, along with ‘beyond the ordinary’ personal peace, are powerful motivators that help us persevere to overcome the obstacles associated with adapting to collaborative living.
For those preparing to enter co-living that includes the sharing of resources, income, and expenses, as well as, ‘common’ wealth supplied via a planned economy founded on COMMON PURSE PROVISIONING, the shift toward ETHICAL CONSUMPTION is an essential process that sets the scene for the creation of close bonds of mutual emotional, social and economic support that can only be accessed through adopting the lifestyle and love-style of DEEP UNION.